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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  September 25, 2013 8:00pm-9:01pm PDT

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tonight senator ted cruz's marathon speech attacking obamacare and the fury it's been met with among many of his fellow republicans. you'll hear from one of them tonight. also had a killer in action on attack inside the navy yard. chilling surveillance video shows the shooter running through the hallways, sawed-off shotguns in hand. and what mysterious etchings on his gun might really mean. outrage in montana on the eve of a convicted rapist's release from prison. he was sentenced to 30 days. his victim later killed herself. we'll get to all of that over the next hour.
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first a keeping them honest report you'll only see here. a year-long investigation by cnn and the center for investigative reporting found widespread fraud in california's drug rehab program. a drug rehab program that receives hefty amounts of federal taxpayer dollars. also known as your money, obviously. as a result of our investigation, more than 100 drug rehab centers were suspended with their funding cut off and others were completely shut down. but tonight our investigation continues. and it goes beyond just the clinics. it looks squarely as the doctors who serve as medical directors for the clinics. one doctor in particular, is medical director at more clinics than anyone else. but as we discovered under the law he doesn't actually have to see any patients. that's right. he doesn't have to see any patients at all. but he has found a way to make a lot of money off the whole thing. here's investigative correspondent drew griffin. >> this is another group room. >> reporter: when we first met dr. howard oliver this past january, he had every intention of telling us and showing us
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just how much good taxpayer-funded drug rehab clinics do in southern california. >> it's going to get better. be patient. >> reporter: we're at places like west coast counselling center and other clinics throughout southern california, oliver has been the physician overseeing the treatment of close to 2,000 patients. >> so you're the medical director. >> the medical director. >> what does that mean in terms of your responsibilities? >> it means that i'm responsible for assuring that they have certain -- that they have a quality medical assurance that our referrals are for -- i give referrals for medical care, i ensure that they're able to undergo treatment here. >> reporter: at the time of our interview we questioned just how that could be physically possible. that one man could essentially care for nearly 2,000 people at 19 clinics. in fact, los angeles county had been wondering the same thing about dr. howard oliver in the
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past. especially when his name or more specifically his signature kept coming up again and again on blank medical forms. a practice a former state official found opens the door to potential fraudulent billing practices. >> records show you're medical director for immaculate care in los angeles. >> immaculate care, yes. >> that owner convicted of fraud. during the investigation a counselor says you signed off on stacks of medical records without reading them. >> that's not true. >> it's not true? >> no. >> that was a lie? >> yes. >> you don't sign off on stacks of medical records? >> i sign off on stacks of medical records. but i review them. >> you do review them? >> yes. >> reporter: oliver says his signature on the blank forms were forgeries. oliver's signature is worth a lot of money. it is needed for drug, medical clinics like these to submit bills to the county and state
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for reimbursement. for that signature, oliver's paid pretty well. up to $1500 a month, he told us, for the clinics where he's been working. but since this interview in january, his business has gone bust because of this. >> wait a minute now. >> just one second, sir. >> did he call back and say he's not coming? >> reporter: this past july, cnn and the center for investigative reporting exposed widespread fraud in the nation's largest medicaid system. we found that in the last two fiscal years, half of the nearly $186 million spent for drug medi-cal went to clinics that have shown questionable billing practices or signs of fraud. california has now suspended 132 clinic locations that were being run by 56 clinic headquarters,
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14 of those 56 clinic headquarters have the same medical director, dr. howard oliver. one called able family run by a convicted felon that we revealed in our investigation. >> you can explain how can a guy with a record like you, be operating a drug rehab clinic here in california? you've been convicted of a major insurance car crash scheme in texas? >> i was convicted, but it's not what it seems. >> reporter: oliver says he didn't know and isn't expected to know the background of the people he works for. able family, meanwhile, has shut down. among the allegations against the drug rehab industry from our series, that bills were submitted for patients that do not have addictions, for patients that did not receive treatment, and for patients that did not even exist. all treatments that would have been approved and signed by a doctor, including all the patients at immaculate care where rosario falconer was an
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intern counselor for five months and the medical director overseeing the patients was dr. howard oliver. >> what was he signing? >> treatment plans. in order for us to receive the money for the clients, he has to sign the documents saying that he's read over the material that we've put down. >> do you think he'd sign just about anything? >> i know that he signed whatever we put out there. >> no matter what? >> even fit was wrong. if it was a wrong name on a wrong file, he would sign it. >> immaculate care suspended by the state has shut down. rebecca lyra, former deputy director for california's department of drug and alcohol programs was suspicious about dr. howard oliver after learning about the blank forms with his name on it. she even filed a file on him years ago when he claimed he was
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medical director 69 clinic locations overseeing treatment plans for over 2200 patients. >> you found that troubling to say the least. >> well, we had questions about that. and that's why we were asking the medical board for direction. >> reporter: what happened? our investigation found nothing. >> when we found situations such as this, we would send it to department of health care services, and department of justice. and they're the ones that are going to determine if there's going to be any further action on that. >> reporter: the one person who still says he didn't see or know of any wrongdoing is dr. oliver, who met us again just this month at west coast counselling, one of 14 clinics he's associated with that have been sent a letter like this by the state ordering them suspended. >> the letter that you just showed me said one of the reasons this particular facility has been temporarily closed down, lack of medical
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supervision. >> yes. >> you're the medical director. >> reporter: dr. oliver is in fact a very busy doctor. he runs a private practice, has been medical director at dozens of rehab clinics, and also has found time to appear on tv shows. >> 200-degree environment you would only survive just a few minutes. >> reporter: including as a frequent guest on cnn's sister network hln as a medical expert for nancy grace. how he handles all this while overseeing the drug rehab of thousands of california drug medi-c medi-cal recipients is easy he explains. he doesn't see most of the people he oversees who are clients not patients he explains. he admits he wouldn't even know if they are real or as fraud investigators call them, ghost patients. >> you're helping these clinics bill the state for ghost clients. >> well, i don't know that they're ghost clients. >> exactly. so what is your point?
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of being the medical director here? if you don't even know that these clients are real people? >> well, sounds like you're asking me to be the police here. i'm not the police. >> i'm asking you -- >> i've got certain duties. >> you're a physician, right? >> yes. >> physicians treat people? >> yes. >> people are real and they breathe air. >> right. >> but these clinics are billing for people who are not anything. >> i don't have a duty to see every client that comes in here. and to question every client that comes in here. and to investigate every client that comes in here. >> sounds like you don't have a duty to investigate any of them. you just sign off on paperwork. >> i don't have a duty to investigate. that's true. i have certain duties that i have that are prescribed by law, and i do those duties. >> so basically you're looking at paperwork and you sign it if the paperwork looks okay. >> basically that's true. >> you're a clerk, you're not a
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medical director. >> i'm not a clerk. >> there's no point. >> that's your definition. >> what's your definition? seriously? you as a physician could be signing a treatment plan for somebody who does not exist. >> well, i don't know that they don't exist. again, i do what the law requires me to do. >> drew, so dr. oliver is not breaking the law. >> reporter: the law allows him to do what he's doing, anderson. nowhere does california law state a medical director who's giving these people treatment ever needs to see that patient. even if it's just to make sure that a patient actually exists. and we should also point out some of these clinics aren't rolling over so easy, either. as we said, 14 of the 19 clinics where dr. oliver has been medical director are now suspended, including the one where we did this latest interview, west coast counselling. that clinic is fighting its suspension for what the state says is a lack of medical oversight, missing treatment plans, and apparently
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manufactured documents. >> what does the state say about dr. oliver? >> reporter: over the years the state has taken what they claim are multiple actions against them resulting in substantial fines. at one point he was even suspended from the state's medi-cal system. it hasn't really stopped anything. we're told there's going to be a big change coming in january when these medical directors, like oliver, will have to enroll as medi-cal providers. that, anderson, supposedly will subject them to much more oversight. and speaking oversight, tomorrow in sacramento california lawmakers are going to be grilling the bureaucrats who have been running these program asking them the questions that we've tried to ask. how could you know or suspect so much fraud is and has been going on and done so very little to stop it. anderson? >> unbelievable. drew, thanks very much. you can follow me on twitter @andersoncooper. just ahead, senator ted cruz's all nighter on the
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innovate floor may have won points with his tea party supporters but will his crusade against obamacare cost him? i'll talk to a member of his own party who's calling cruz a fraud. also chilling video showing the navy yard shooter in action, stalking the hallways. the fbi said he believed his mind was under attack. new clues tonight about the delusions he may have been battling. can shop around-- see who does good work and compare costs. it doesn't usually work that way with health care. but with unitedhealthcare, i get information on quality rated doctors, treatment options and estimates for how much i'll pay. that helps me, and my guys, make better decisions. i don't like guesses with my business, and definitely not with our health. innovations that work for you. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare.
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welcome back. raw politics now, senator ted cruz's crusade against obamacare brought the senate to a halt and some of his fellow lawmakers to the boiling point. the freshman senator 19 months in office did an all nighter to keep obamacare from funding. here's 21 hours distilled down to just one minute. >> madam president, i rise today in opposition to obamacare. you go to the 1940s, nazi germany. look, we saw in britain, neville chamberlain who told the british people "accept the nazis.
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yes, they'll dominate the continent of europe. but that's not our problem." >> i'm a big fan of eating white castle burgers. >> you do not like green eggs and ham? i do not like them, sam i am. they did not like obamacare in a box, with a fox, in a house or with a mouse. obamacare is the opposite of listening to the people. i can tell you as i said at 2:30 in the afternoon yesterday they intend to stand against obamacare as long as i'm able to stand. and at this point i feel confident that at 9:00 a.m. i will still be able to stand. there will come a point when that is no longer the case. but we have not yet reached that point. >> well, just hours after he stopped talking senator cruz voted yes to move ahead on a spending plan expected to restore funding to obamacare. if that seems confusing you aren't alone. senator cruz's marathon speech has left a lot of people scratching their heads. he had some supporters in the congress but they were in the minority. the majority of republicans and democrats both before and after
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his talk a-thon were less than support. >> i have what did it accomplish? it set senator cruz's cause back. >> i just don't happen to think filibustering a bill that defunds obamacare is the best route to defunding obamacare. >> they're anti-government idealogues who dominate the republican party. >> we cannot only controlling one house of congress tell president that we're not going to fund any portion of this because we can't do that. >> he can play slam down politics and those who are colluders, clap raters and enablers can stand with him. but we're going to stand with the american people. >> ted cruz is a fraud. he'll no longer have any influence in the republican party. >> pretty blunt stuff especially from representative peter king. he joins me tonight. >> you've used some harsh words to describe this senator, congressman. why do you say senator cruz is a fraud? >> because he is selling a strategy which he knows cannot
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work. he knows it's doomed to failure. he knew that all summer when he was making appearances around the country and doing tv ads and robo calls, advancing a policy saying that we could just defund obama and that would work. it cannot work. the senate's controlled by democrats. the president would veto it. he knows that. this is the president's crowning achievement. there's no way in the world he's going to agree to have obamacare defunded. >> is this just about his own ego? >> i'm not a psychiatrist. but i assume he's enjoying the publicity. i assume he's building up a good mailing list. i assume he's putting himself in a position whether he's going to run for president or just become a folk hero for certain people. >> the people on twitter like sarah palin and others, a lot of conservatives who say who support him who say look he's standing on principle. he's trying to make washington listen. >> no, to me this is like the charge of the right brig brigade. kamikaze pilot. he's not standing on principle.
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i don't know what he's standing on. he's standing for a strategy that can't work. it's going to personally help him as far as his political status, but it's going to be bad for the country, bad for the republican party. >> the senator made a wage all the money in his bank account on how constituents republican members would want them to vote. i just want to play what he said. >> if you grab 100 of your constituents, wouldn't be a 50-50 proposition. i don't even think it would be a 60-40 proposition. your constituents overwhelmingly would say, no, don't vote to give harry reid the ability to fund obamacare without fixing this train wreck, without stopping this nightmare. >> so congressman, what do you say to that? would your constituents want you to vote to defund obamacare even if it meant a government shutdown? >> no, they would not at all. if i asked my constituents and those i've spoken to think he's crazy. they know what's real and what's not. and they know a guy who's being basically almost like a medicine man here, selling goods that he knows are phony goods. and really taking a good cause,
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the cause of trying to dismantle obamacare, of trying to repeal it, and using it for his own purposes and in a way that's going to hurt us and it's only going to help the president. >> do you believe republicans will get the blame if the government shuts down? >> all the polling shows that. and quite frankly, i think we should if it's done under this basis. now, debt ceiling is a whole separate issue where we have legitimate issues there and the president should negotiate with us. if he can negotiate with putin and certainly able to sit down with john boehner. but as far as this particular issue on defunding obamacare, yes, we will be blamed. >> this is unusual for a member of congress to be so tough on a member of his own party. i mean, saying he's a fraud, saying what he's doing is about basically his own fundraising, his own mailing list. why are you speaking out like this? >> i don't think we owe any loyalty to ted cruz. he spent the last months of the summer trying to put republicans on the spot, trying to force
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basically intimidate republican members of congress to vote his way with the implicit threats of primaries. he had no regard or respect for us, so why should we be concerned about him at all? i've never seen anyone as unpopular in republican circles as ted cruz. and it's not just personality, it's the way he did what he did, what he's trying to do and what he continues to do. and it's just creating real again real problems for the republican party. that's our problem. you asked me why i attacked him? that's for that reason. political purposes, for government purpose rps it's also wrong, too. we cannot go down this path of attempting to shut down the government over an issue where we've lost, we disagree, we continue to fight. but not by threatening to shut the government down. >> we're five days away from a government shut down. how does this ♪ >> hopefully it's going to end over the weekend. i know that john boehner wants to make it work, eric cantor wants to make it work. none of us certainly want the government to shut down. the government should not be allowed to shut down at all. we know it's not going to
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happen. it's not going to last long if it does happen over this issue. but doing it this way, no, i think enough of us realize and hopefully enough pressure will b brought that we have to resolve this by the weekend or by monday at the latest. >> congressman king, appreciate your time. thanks. >> anderson, thank you. want to talk with newt gingrich, former house speaker, also chief congressional correspondent dana bash and chief political analyst david gergen. tea party supporters and tea partiers that support cruz, they're using this so-called filibuster this kind of speech he made as a fundraising tool. one e-mail went out from the tea party patriots "your gift right now will make a tangible difference in this fight immediately. now is the time, friend, there's not a moment to lose." is that really true, though? will giving money actually make a tangible difference right now and for cruz as peter king said, do you believe this is about building a mailing list, fund raising? >> it's interesting. when you had anti-war democrats
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deeply opposed, voting, speaking, raising money, i don't remember very many people challenging the remotees. ted cruz man on the grounds that he would fight in washington. he didn't promise he'd win. he promised he would fight. he's proving to be a pretty clever guy. he had virtually every political person in the country today talking about him. i did five different interviews across the country. every single interview brought up what is ted cruz doing? i think he's making a case. he may well lose in the end. but an awful lot of republicans would rather at least see somebody with the guts to fight than just be told automatically, let's surrender, let's do nothing, let's give in. after all, it's too difficult to deal with the president. and our constitution doesn't require us to roll over and accept automatically whatever the president demands. >> but you're saying you're being asked all about ted cruz, not about obamacare. is this about ted cruz? >> well, obamacare got in the mix. if he hadn't done what he did, you wouldn't have had this conversation over the last 24
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hours. and i think in that sense, he represents as does mike lee, as does rand paul, a new generation of much more aggressive republicans. and i would just point out, peter king, i believe, voted for the very bill that he is now attacking, because he voted to send it from the house, taking obamacare out of the government in the continuing resolution. so let's be clear. the underlying pressure of conservatives has actually moved the base of the republican party on this issue a fair distance i would say in the last six weeks. >> david, do you agree with what newt is saying about cruz? >> i agree with him on one fund am point, that ted cruz through this effort has made himself more of a hero among tea party types. >> no doubt about. >> it that's what he wouldn'ted. anderson, just a few days ago he said something which alienated house republican conservatives, because they thought he wasn't going to fight. i think he partly put this on to do that. but even though he got a lot of publicity, not all publicity is
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good publicity. for the vast majority of americans looking at this they're saying -- shaking their heads again saying what is going wrong in the republican party? why are we being treated like is this guy really ready for primetime? from my point of view, newt will disagree with this. yes, the republican party has to fight. but if it strikes people that the base has moved so far as to become extreme, the growing opportunity for republicans to take back the senate next year and to take back the white house in 2016 is going to be blown if people think the party has been taken hostage by extremists. >> dana, you say that cruz's voting strategy even speaks more to drumming up conservative support than actually getting something done. how so? >> reporter: well, i think if you just look at the raw numbers, it's very clear that at this point he simply doesn't have the votes. that is why you play to the segment a lot of republicans they're certainly no liberals like tomko burn of oklahoma, he's in one of the most fiscally conservative republicans on capitol hill. even he said, look, elections have consequences.
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we only have the house of representatives. we don't even have a full branch of government. so what are we going to do about it? but i do absolutely agree with both the speaker and david that what ted cruz has done is absolutely energized the conservative base and that no question that that was what this was about, to get people pushing the dial, pushing people like peter king, who the speaker is right, he did end up voting begrudgingly voting for this in order to do this. but that really has caused a very deep rift within the republican party, which is why leaders here have wanted ted cruz to stop, did not want him to do this. because yes, people are talk about obamacare. and some of the substance. but people are also talking about the very big differences within the republican party and that's not good for them i think. >> newt, piers morgan interviewed president clinton today and asked him about the government shutdowns in the mid 90s and his relationship with you during that period. i just want to play for our views what he said. >> we worked it out when he was trying to run me out of town.
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we were still working together. i mean, i knew it was a game to him. he thought, you know, he would -- he once said to irskin bowles the difference between us is that we'll do whatever we can and you won't do that. you think there are things you shouldn't do. and once i realized what the deal was, i let him do whatever he could and then we did business on the side. and you're laughing, but that's really -- we reached an accommodation. >> is that how you remember it, newt? >> well, that's partly. i think we were a lot more principled than that suggests. but the underlying reality was that all through the two shutdowns, which by the way nate silver has written a very good piece pointing out probably had zero impact politically and has been grossly exaggerated in the washington establishment. all through that fight, bill clinton and i could talk. and the big difference in washington today is, i don't sense that barack obama has anything like the personal
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skills that bill clinton had. we could get in a room, we could fight. we spent 35 days face-to-face negotiating. you don't sense any -- i down the if boehner and obama have spent 35 minutes recently in a serious conversation. >> so david, do you agree it hasn't always been this contentious? >> i think it's gotten much much worse. newt knows i disdegree with him on this. but the polls show that after the two shutdowns republicans got hurt. most the republican leaders who were opposing who ted cruz is doing and do not want to shut down the government are doing so because they have memories of what happened in '95 and '96. >> peter king clearly thinks it's going to hurt the republican. >> so does mitch mcconnell. he does not want to shut down the government if he could possibly help >> it go ahead, dana. >> reporter: very quickly the big difference between the mid 90s when the speaker was here and now is that the speaker doesn't have as much power. clearly we are seeing that with ted cruz. doesn't have the control to make these negotiations, whether or not he's speaking to the president or not. and that is a key difference that's making it even more
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partisan. >> dana, thank you. newt gingrich, david gergen as well. up next the fbi released surveillance video of the man who roamed the hall waste and opened fire at innocent people at the navy yard. what we have learned about the gunman and cryptic messages carved into his weapon. also the case of the montana teenager raped by a teacher. you know this case, the man who raped her is about to walk out of jail after just 30 days. the girl killed herself. we'll talk to the victim's mom ahead. al one, bjorn earns unlimited rewards for his small business. take these bags to room 12 please. [ garth ] bjorn's small business earns double miles on every purchase every day. produce delivery. [ bjorn ] just put it on my spark card. [ garth ] why settle for less? ahh, oh! [ garth ] great businesses deserve unlimited rewards. here's your wake up call. [ male announcer ] get the spark business card from capital one and earn unlimited rewards. choose double miles or 2% cash back on every purchase every day. what's in your wallet? [ crows ] now where's the snooze button?
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today the fbi released video of the washington navy yard shooter on the attack ten days ago. he was caught by surveillance cameras stationed around the complex. you see him holding the shotgun he used to murder 12 innocent people. first we see him driving into the navy yard with a rental car. nothing out of the ordinary in that. he then walked into the building. that's him carrying a bag over his left shoulder. authorities believe a disassembled shotgun was in that bag. there he's put it together in the bathroom. you see the weapon. he's stalking the hallways with it. basically checking different offices, different doorways looking for victims. going down a flight of stairs. you see people down at the end of the hall there. he tries to hide and then walks kind of quickly skulks down the hallway. want to highlight this particular hallway circled at the top of the screen. you see people already running out of the building. we should point out security cameras capturered the shooter firing his weapon. the fbi chose not to release
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that video. today we learned a lot more about the deadly rampage itself. joe johns is in washington tonight. i've watched this video today. it's so disturbing, the silence of it, the way he's stalking the hallways. it seems like his movements are very deliberate. at this point, though, do investigators know, was he specifically targeting anyone at the navy yard? >> reporter: anderson, it was apparently random. the fbi says he wasn't target anybody in particular. now there was some routine performance-related issue they tell us that was addressed with alexis on the friday before the shooting. but really no indication to investigators that it was the thing that caused any sort of reaction from him, anderson. >> i know the fbi also released more information about the shooter's mental state. what did they say? >> reporter: well, we did know he etched phrases in his shotgun like" my elf weapon." now we know a lot more about that. the fbi said he held a delusional belief he was being controlled or influenced by extremely low frequency or elf electronic waves.
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they found writings apparently on his computer. they got a search warrant for his multiple e-mail accounts. he wrote that ultralow frequency attack quote is what i've been subject to for the last three months. to be perfectly honest, that is what has driven me to do this. he says, elf technology, anderson, it does exist but it's not mind control. that's a legitimate program for naval submarine communication. >> there's a lot of conspiracies about the whole elf thing online. there were other etchings on the shotgun as well. >> reporter: a number of other etchings. one said "end to the torment." another said "not what y'all say." and "better off this way." so either taken all together he wrote quite a bit on that shotgun, anderson. >> just so sickening, joe, appreciate it. thanks very much. there is a lot more happening tonight. isha sesay. investigators in kenya are sifting through the rubble of the west gate mall looking for bodies and clues in the four-day-long terrorist attack. part of the mall collapsed. officials say at least 61
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civilians and six security officers were killed but that toll is expected to rise. retired pope benedict xvi has broken his silence, saying he never tried to cover up the sexual abuse of minors by catholic priests. he made that statement in a letter published in an italian newspaper. and anderson, amazing victory for oracle team usa. today it won the america's cup beating out emirate team new zealand. at one point they were down eight races to one but roared back, tied the score 8-8 and was victorious in today's final match. >> amazing comeback. incredible. isha, thanks. up next a teacher convicted of raping his 14-year-old student, he's about to walk out of prison after serving just a month sentence. we're going to talk to the victim's mother who's understandably outraged. also at the high school football coach who ben. his entire team. we'll talk to him about why he did it and what he hopes to accomplish.
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in our crime and punishment segment tonight, tomorrow a former teacher convicted of raping his then 14-year-old student is scheduled to walk out of jail in montana after serving one month. the sentence for stacey reinbold received strong criticism after the judge said the victim was quote older than her chronological complaint. me apologized but there's a
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formal complaint asking him to be removed from the bench. making this more tragic the young victim isn't here to speak out, she killed herself in 2010 before the case went to trial. so this guy served his 30 days. he's going to be a free man tomorrow? >> reporter: he's walking out. and essentially he is a free man, anderson. he has served his time. and the sentence that was given by judge baugh and he's drug filled that time. he's not going to be subject to any home monning to. no particular address he has to go to. the only caveat is there is an appeal with the montana supreme court. the prosecutors fighting the sentence that he was given, hoping that he's going to be in jail for at least two years if not longer. >> will he be on probation? >> yes. he is on probation. he does have to check in with his probation officer once he returns here to billings, the jail that he's in right now it's about four hours away. so once he gets here he's got to check in he's technically on probation until 2028. all that could change, though, depending on what the supreme court says.
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>> what about the formal complaint filed against the judge? >> reporter: this is actually a citizen complaint. there's been so much outrage about this, anderson, that people across the country have signed onto a petition, some 140,000 signatures were delivered to a state review board. it was delivered in boxes, these petitions. people who say that this judge, the judge who gave that one-month sentence need to be removed by the bench. but anderson, this is something very rare. it is very difficult to actually get a judge removed. and last we heard from him he was intending on running for a seat again next year. >> wow. all right, kyung lah appreciate it as we mentioned, the young victim in this case, charise morales killed herself. her mother this month said she wants justice for her daughter. leah hamlin joins me can't. >> leah, obviously you note teacher who raped your daughter is going to be getting out of jail tomorrow. does this seem real to you? >> no.
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it seems like just yesterday they sentenced him. i don't know where the 30 days went. >> i'm sure you knew a complaint was filed against this judge, claiming he was biassed against your daughter because she was a quote lower income minor hispanic female. do you agree with that? do you think he was prejudiced against your daughter for those reasons? >> i don't know. i'm not really involved with that complaint. i'm worried about stacey rambold. judge baugh is not my business. he made a mistake, and i'm disappointed that 30 days, that's outrageous. but the montana supreme court stepped in. hopefully they'll make it right. >> tomorrow when he's released, what are you going to do tomorrow? how do you deal with something like that? >> avoidance. i hope i never see him. i never seen him until we were in the courtroom all those years. never seen him once. i hope i never see him. >> what do you want people to
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remember about your daughter? >> she was fabulous. pretty, very pretty. the judge just made a mistake. and i'm hoping it will get rectified. >> what's it like to be caught up in the legal system like this? i mean, when you see it on tv, it's one thing. but to see what they call justice up close like this, what does it make you think? >> i haven't seen justice yet. 30 days isn't justice. we'll see what happens. and apparently with the courts, anything can happen. but hopefully the supreme court will set it right. because so far i haven't seen any justice. >> thank you for talk tonight. >> thank you very much. >> mom looking for justice. up next he's not joking around, a high school football coach suspends his entire team.
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welcome back. traditionally when a high school kid gets in trouble their mom or dad takes away the car keys or punishes them somehow. a coach in utah suspended the entire team. coach matt labrom of union high school in roosevelt made it quite clear to his players accusations of poor grades, cutting class, disrespecting teachers and bullying fellow students was not acceptable. he even learned about cyber bullying. he decided to try to put an end to it. his message to them is simple. some things are more important than winning football games. if you want to play for the team you have to earn a spot by showing character. so he suspended the entire team. i spoke to the coach a short time ago. >> coach it's pretty amazing what you did. where was the moment you thought i've got to do this, suspend the whole team? >> i think it all came down with a combination of different things that were happening
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throughout the past couple of weeks. we just felt like the program wasn't taking the steps that we wanted to in a positive manner. we sat down as a coaching staff and said, you know what, we need to do something to make a change in these young men's lives and to make this real. >> and i know there were off field problems, bullying or allegations of bullying, skipping classes, disrespecting teachers. you actually met with the student who was bullied, correct? >> yes. >> how did that go? why did you want to meet with him? >> i just wanted him to know that we don't condone any of this stuff. and i don't know if it was even any of our players to be honest with you. it's all anonymous. we just felt like we as a team needed to take a stand and take a leadership direction and change ideas there. i just wanted this young man to know we cared about him. have all the parents of the football play players supported
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this idea of suspending the team? >> yeah. the parents have been fantastic in their support. i'm sure they've had some questions in their minds and wondering why everybody is doing it. but we didn't feel like it was the punishment. we felt like it was an opportunity for us to grow and for us to learn about how we can impact other people. >> and so all this week instead of practices you're having community service, you're having sort of character building classes. what do you hope to change this week? >> i just hope that we as a team and as young men and as coaches and as a whole community, that we realize how fortunate we are to be able to do the things that we're able to do with the talents that we've been blessed with and the opportunities that we're given. i just hope that we'll realize what positive things we can do with those opportunities. >> do you think it's working? do players seem like -- or the
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players you're concerned about, do they seem kind of they're turning around or this has made an impact on them? >> yeah. i've seen a real positive change in some. and i think you teach the lessons, and somewhere down the line someone's going to learn the lesson. some will learn it this week, and some will learn it later on. they'll look back and say, you know what, i wish i would have learned that sooner but i'm learning it now. >> tonight i understand is the night when you're going to decide who earns the privilege to get back their jersey, who earns the privilege to play in this week's game. have you made those decisions? do you know is the whole team going to be reinstated? >> it's not necessarily me or our coaching staff that's deciding. it's the young men. they were given a sheet that listed the criteria of what we wanted them to do. and so we look forward to that tonight. because i think they've all been really trying to make some changes. >> i appreciate you talking about it. thank you. >> hey, thank you very much. >> he's getting a lot of support
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not just from the parents of the kids on the tweem but also on twitter. a lot of our viewers tonight supporting what you know. let us know what you think @andersoncooper. coming up a man realizes his dream to order everything at mcdonald's and make one big sandwich that's almost as tall as he is. he's the mceverything and it's on the "the ridiculist" tonight. when we made our commitment to the gulf, bp had two big goals:
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help the gulf recover and learn from what happened so we could be a better, safer energy company. i can tell you - safety is at the heart of everything we do. we've added cutting-edge technology, like a new deepwater well cap and a state-of-the-art monitoring center, where experts watch over all drilling activity twenty-four-seven. and we're sharing what we've learned, so we can all produce energy more safely. our commitment has never been stronger.
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time now for the "the ridiculist." tonight we have a story of a man
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in wisconsin who deared to drea, to imagine, to walk into mcdonald's and not see a menu but a possibility. his name is nick and he ordered one of every kind of sandwich from both the breakfast and lunch menu and created the mceverything. a glorious monument willing to shake off the shackles of conformi conformity. how did nick get the idea for the mceverything and what philosophical challenges did it present as he pondered whether to move forward? >> obviously every sandwich at mcdonald's starts with the mc. so a long time ago i thought it would be funny to buy one of everything, call it the mceverything. i never did it. you figure you show up at a mt mcdonald's ask for one of everything they're going to hate you. he had to push through his initial trepidation. finally he just did it. >> i said hey i want one of every sandwich. i know this is going to sound
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really weird, but breakfast and lunch. their main reply was why do you want to do this? >> bigger than a big mac, the question of why? >> why not. the first guy that climbed mt. everest they asked him why he said because i can. because no one has. >> so true. i bet it costs a lot of money to climb mount everett. this only set nick back $144.31 for one of everything. he is eating it all. >> i've been eating it for breakfast, lunch and dinner since. i think i've got about two or three days left to go. >> i don't know. cold leftover mcdonald's seems a little nauseating. this guy apparently has an iron stomach. he run as food blog called dude food. most everything he makes has bacon in it including bacon cheeseburger, bacon wrapped mcnuggets and bacon taco. he did face naysayers. >> i'm not wasting it.
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if i bought it and threw it away complain about it being wasteful. it's the same as going shopping at the grocery shop at the beginning of seven days. >> keep living the dream. we cannot wait to see what you come up with next. that's it for us. thanks for watching. "piers morgan tonight" starts now. >> tonight william jefferson clinton, the man that nothing is off the table. i asked him a hillary question. who do you think might make a better president, your wife or your daughter neighborhood, what what do you think of ted cruz talking and talking? >> i think it's your british roots. i couldn't have said that with a straight face and got it off. >> what do you think of vla